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Andrew Elias


Grant Recipient

Originally from Egypt, Andrew came to the United States a few years hoping to pursue the American dream. He had no interest in mission work, and only had vague ideas about it. In his country, the concept of missions has to do with handing out food to the poor, not spreading the gospel.

While working a job at Amazon that he landed with his degree in supply chain management, Andrew was invited to a church and found something more important than chasing money and financial freedom.  He found Jesus; and his thoughts on mission work were radically changed forever.


Since then, Andrew has been training at Maps Global and is currently raising support to be a full-time missionary with them. God has placed a passionate desire in his heart for unreached nations to hear the gospel and he hopes to do this through cross-cultural missions and vocational ministry work. 


Andrew would like to invite everyone reading this to partner with Christ in fulfilling the great commission by helping him and other international workers. Support raising has been challenging, but he hasn’t let that stop him from pursuing Christ and walking in the mission.  It is our prayer that his story is the first of many that the foundation can give a platform.  

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Andrew Elias

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Andrew.


Grant Recipient

Hi, I’m Mario. I grew up in Egypt and came to know the Lord in the U.S. Upon encountering Jesus, I felt a call to take the gospel to the most unreached parts of the world.


I am currently working with an organization called MAPS Global and raising financial support. My goal is to move back overseas and work full-time empowering locals to see churches planted and the nations sing praises to Jesus.

Mario Marzouk
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Grant Recipient

In 2010, after a period of running away from the Lord, I attended an Assemblies of God Church for the first time. While at this church, I dedicated my life back to the Lord and began to seek His guidance. Four years later, I left the country for the first time as part of a Short Term Trip (SST) to Moldova, and this is where my journey began. It was during this trip that I felt an urgency to serve. Since I was a teacher, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to spend my summers serving overseas. However, just as I was about to submit my paperwork for the next SST, the Lord told me that more was required of me. 

I spent the next four years attempting to pave my way onto the field, yet, was met with a closed door at the end of each turn.  I cried out to the Lord in the midst of my frustration and asked for direction. It was only then that He lead me to a summer internship in 2016. During this trip, the burden to serve M*slims was placed on my heart. For my first term, I served at an international school in J*rdan. While there, my passion for serving M*slim women intensified. My next term will take me to a capital city in the Gulf, where I will focus on learning language and culture.

Mario Marzouk


Dani Quickley

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Dani.


Mario Marzouk

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Mario.


Grant Recipient

Born, bread, and buttered in South Africa! If I could have it my way, we would only have two seasons: summer &


Several years ago, the Lord wrecked my life with a deep burden for the Middle East. What I thought was a prayer burden for a war torn nation would actually turn out to be an invitation into a life of missionary work in the Middle East.

After serving in the Middle East for several years, I am now working for my organization to train, equip and send missionaries to the 10/40 Window.

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Mila Masuku


Mila Masuku

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Mario.

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Grant Recipient

My name is Israeli Mathis. I'm twenty-five years old and from Columbus, Ohio. I’m pursuing a career in Frontier Missions under the care and oversight of MAPS Global. We at MAPS Global exist to pray, preach, and sing across the 10/40 window until all have heard of the beauty and worth of Jesus Christ.


Before my journey in missions began, I was training as a professional dancer and instructor both at the University of the Arts and The Ohio State University. After learning over fifteen dance techniques, teaching K-12 and adults, and leading corporate praise in movement, I know the arts is on God's heart.


My heart is to lead worship and praise to God through the creative arts in the Middle East, the Arab World, and cross-cultural communities so that the liberty of the gospel and salvation in Jesus Christ can be shared.

Israeli Mathis


Israeli Mathis

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Israeli.

Lee Morgan


Grant Recipient

Lee feels that his journey began when he had a dream in 2019 of going to a foreign nation. The following year, he heard a sermon that challenged his perception of what missionaries looked like and instilled a fire in him to spread the gospel to the unreached. He didn’t fully know what he was getting into, but he chose to say yes to the urging of the Holy Spirit.

He is now a 2022 graduate of the Maps Global Frontier mission school, having gone through their ten-month program to learn the curriculum and having spent three months overseas on a placement trip. In that short span of time, Lee traveled to the Arab Gulf, Iraq, and multiple regions in Türkiye. He has been able to share the gospel, and use his talents for singing, drumming and playing the bass to glorify God in these countries.


But God has also provided opportunities for him to share the gospel with not only people from those countries, but with individuals from Syria, Nigeria, Finland, Switzerland, Ghana, Iran, Lebanon and many more!  He has a strong desire to see disciples made in all nations as he seeks to fulfill his part of the Great Commission. 

He knows that God is calling him overseas long-term to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and because of that, he is currently fundraising to be a full-time missionary with Maps Global. It’s interesting to note that Lee had never been overseas or even flown on a plane before becoming involved in mission work. It is amazing to see the powerful ways in which God moves when his people say yes.

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Lee Morgan

Check back in to see how the Lord has been moving through Lee.

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